“Our vision for the Christians in Scrabo is that we would be devoted followers of Jesus Christ, who KNOW God in an intimate way, who GROW in Jesus, who SHOW their love for each other and GO with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to share it with our communities
– to the glory of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit!”
Worship: Worship is central to everything. Our purpose must be that we magnify God in all that we do in the power of His Spirit.
Fellowship: Fellowship with one another helps to create an environment of pastoral love and support. As members of the body we seek to be a caring community. For this purpose we have a clear position on membership of the local church (see section below).
Mission: Evangelism is the call to ‘Go into the world with the gospel’. Our mission is to reach into our local communities and the wider world with the message of God’s love.
Discipleship: It is our desire to see people won for Christ and growing on their journey as Christians. We want to teach and train people so that they grow in maturity in their faith.
Service: Service (or ministry) is essential if the church is going to fulfil its mandate. We want to help everyone find their place so that they can use their gifts, talents and resources to make a difference.
It is our desire to function as an autonomous, Bible-based, evangelical church that holds and displays the following values:
– Devoted to God and following the Lord Jesus
– Empowered by the Holy Spirit
– Love for one another
– Sharing the Hope of the Gospel
– Involved in our local communities
– Welcoming to others
– Accountable to God and each other