Thank you to all who continue to support God’s work in Scrabo Hall & beyond.
There are 3 main ways to give:
- By Gift Aid (if you are a UK tax payer your gift is worth 25% more!). Giving this way requires you to complete a Gift Aid Declaration form. These forms are available online, in the Members section of the website, or from the Finance Team.
- By Cheque via the post: Scrabo Hall 145-161 Mill Street Newtownards BT23 7TR (cheques made payable to Scrabo Hall).
- By online banking or bank transfer to:
Account name: Scrabo Hall
Bank: Danske Bank
Account sort code: 95-03-96
Account number: 20176192 or 40176206 (for registered Gift Aid donors only)
For those who give by cash or cheque, there are four boxes available on the walls at the entrances to the main auditorium: two in the foyer and two in the main auditorium.